Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Entire Zero Hour Crisis Covers

Lead Up:

Preludes and Build Up-

Crisis on Infinite Earths comic books issue 1  

(This ends the previous continuity and sets up the one that Zero Hour would reboot, repeats many themes and even characters between the two but it isnt required reading, but many references are made so its worth noting, if for no other reason than they book end this continuity for DC)

Rise of Extant:

Armageddon 2001 #2 

(This one was an instant classic, Big fan of Jurgens and the way he structures images.  If you look real close some of the composition doesn't make sense, but damn if it don't look good)

Reckless Youth:
Flash #92A Flash #93 

Emerald Twilight:

Green Lantern #48 Green Lantern #49 

(Speaking of Iconic covers.  One of the defining images of early 90s comics.  This cover alone probably sold more copies of Zero Hour than any of the actual ads did)

Green Lantern #50 

Emerald Fallout:

Guy Gardner Warrior #18 Guy Gardner Warrior #19 Guy Gardner Warrior #20 Guy Gardner Warrior #21 


Hawkman #9  Hawkman #10 Hawkman #11 Hawkman #12 

"Judgment Day"

Justice League America #89 Justice League Task Force #13 Justice League Europe #65 Justice League America #90 Justice League Task Force #14 Justice League Europe #66 

End of An Era:

Valor #21 Legionnaires #16 Legion of Super-Heroes #59 Legionnaires #17 Valor #22 Legion of Super-Heroes #60  

Sum Zero:  

(Shit my pants creepy art, Im no huge Ted McKeever fan, but when hes good hes good.)  

You Can't Go Home Again

Team Titans #17 Team Titans #18 Team Titans #19 Team Titans #20 


Valor #12 Valor #13 Valor #14 Valor #15 Valor #16 Valor #17 Valor #18 

(A great homage cover fire, given the context and who it involves I like it, not that they need my approval 27 or so years later)

Sudden Death:Overtime

Valor #19 Valor #20

Other Lead-Ins

Legion #68 Legion #69 Wonder Woman Vol. 2 91 Green Lantern #54 Legion of Super-Heroes #37 Outsiders #10 

Fourth Hour

Flash #94 Outsiders #11 Zero Hour Crisis in Time #4A 

(See what I said about how Jurgens composes the image?  Its just s eye pleasing.  But where the fuck are the heroes looking?  None of their line of sights line up and none are looking at the mask thing in the middle?  I mean great cover but its those little things that keep Jurgens from being among my favorites)

Batman #511 

(I wasnt a big Batman reader at the time this came out but this cover made me grab this one, just a great cover)

Superman The Man of Steel #37 

 (It has B:TAS Bats on it, instant win)

Green Lantern #55 Legionnaires #18 Valor #23A Superboy #8 

(War of the Superboys.  Im #TeamConnor, but I want this Punk kid version back not the more adult compelling actual character version we have had later, I want 90s caricature version back)

Third Hour

Superman #93 Hawkman #13 

(Not a huge Hawkman fan but damn powerful cover)

 Steel #8 Zero Hour Crisis in Time #3A Batman Shadow of the Bat #31 

(This is freaking great, big mark for Brian Stelfreeze, doing this in that golden age style really fits the theme of the crossover, probably better than any other issue in the storyline)

Justice League America #92 Legion #70 

Second Hour:

Justice League Task Force #16 Detective Comics 678  

(Another strong cover, Graham Nolan is an under rated artist of the era)

Team Titans #24 Zero Hour: Crisis in Time 2 Adventures of Superman 516 

The Final Hour:

Green Arrow Vol. 2 90 

(Gorgeous cover, also why was Green Arrow constantly on verge of cancellation during this era?  Book was always good to great.)

Guy Gardner: Warrior 24 Zero Hour: Crisis in Time 1 Darkstars 24 Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 61 

(Ok thats creepy too)

Justice League International Vol. 2 68 Damage 6 Anima 7 Robin Vol. 2 10 

(Tom Grummett is an amazing artist.  I love how his teens look like teens his adults look like adults and his kids look like horses, ok last one isnt true but still)

Action Comics 703 Catwoman Vol. 2 14 Showcase '94 10 

(Joe Quesada is just a great cover artist, regardless of how shitty you find him as a storyteller or editor, dude can draw a mean cover)

Zero Hour:

Zero Hour: Crisis in Time 0 

(Now this is simple but effect cover)

Batman 0 

(Mike Manley is another one I thought would of been a bigger star than he was, can straight do great covers)

Deathstroke, the Hunted 0 

(Wow seems like Zero Month just pumped out great covers. Scott McDaniel would find later fame working on Nightwing but this cover shows how great he was back then even)

Flash Vol. 2 0 Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 0 Primal Force 0 Spectre Vol. 3 0 

(Another great Tom Mandrake cover, it isnt the best in the series but its some powerful shizz)

Superboy Vol. 3 0 Superman: The Man of Steel 0 Wonder Woman Vol. 2 0 

(Good god Mike Deodato Jr can draw beautiful women, even when bad ass looking like this.)

Batman: Shadow of the Bat 0 Demon Vol. 3 0 Green Lantern Vol. 3 0 

(Ok not to overstate it but if not for this cover Im not the person I am today.  This cover reignited my interest in a character I had only seen in crossovers and Wizard since Super Friends ended. If not for this simple cover I dont discover the writing of Ron Marz,beyond Surfer, I dont find "Mogo Doesn't Socialize" and fall in love with Alan Moore all over again and actually understand it for the first time.  If I dont find Moore and understand what he was saying with Watchmen and then later Supreme, I am not sure I even care about comic books post 1996.  I am literally a different person today if this cover isnt printed.  I dont know if Im better or worse for it, but this cover is at least indirectly responsible for me being who I am today)

 Hawkman Vol. 3 0 Justice League America 0 

(Continuity revamp means Supes, Bats and the like were off limits, Im sorry but this is my least favorite relaunch of JLA, couple that with the fact the writer, Gerard Jones was charged with Illegal porn mages and Id actually just recommend forgetting this run exists, no offense to anyone who put good work in here, including the artists on this issue Chuck Wojtkiewicz and Bob Dovak)

New Titans 0 
Starman Vol. 2 0Superman Vol. 2 0 

(Ok see when I say Jurgens is good, damn he can be really really good.  But massive fucking props to Brett Breeding on the inks and colors on this one.  Very striking cover.) 

Adventures of Superman 0 
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight 0 Detective Comics 0  Fate 0 Gunfire 0 Justice League Task Force 0 Legionnaires 0 

(Ok I love this cover.  Another one that the cover compelled me to buy when it wasnt a regular pull.  One of the first times I realized how great an inker Karl Story was)

Outsiders Vol. 2 0  Ray Vol. 2 0 R.E.B.E.L.S. '94 0 Steel 0 Xenobrood 0 Action Comics 0 Anima 0 Aquaman Vol. 5 0 

(A great issue from a great Peter David run under a great cover by Martin England and Brad Vancata)

Catwoman Vol. 2 0 Damage 0 Darkstars 0 

(See Deodato can draw guys too, its no wonder he would be given Avengers and X-Men years later)

Green Arrow Vol. 2 0 Guy Gardner: Warrior 0 Lobo Vol. 2 0 Manhunter Vol. 2 0 

(If there ever was a series that deserved a reexamination, I think this one might be it, decent to good stories and the art appeals to me at least the early issues.)

Robin Vol. 2 0 


Green Lantern Vol. 3 63  Green Lantern Vol. 3 64 JSA 13 JSA 14 JSA 15 Power of Shazam! 27

Impulse: Bart Saves the Universe  Booster Gold Vol. 2 0

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