Tuesday, July 20, 2021

TMTMM Countdown: 101 Favorite NES Games Part 3 (#'s 71-80)

(Note: This is the third part of a countdown of my 101 Favorite NES games.  I'm not saying these are the 101 best NES games or even 101 good NES games, just that they are the 101 games that I like the most.  I don't expect you to have the same list, cause that would be strange if we literally liked 101 games exactly the same way.)



Its breakout with upgrades and some light shooting.  I was in love with Breakout on the 2600 cause I was good at it more than actually enjoying it, this game really inverted that paradigm.  I enjoy the shit outta it but I am not so good at it. 

72)Track & Field II- 

The graphical upgrade between the original and this one is simply unreal.  It didnt even look like the same system, a simply gorgeous game for its era, still had some tight controls and decent sound, a wide variety of games, most good, and skeet shooting.  Repeat that, skeet shooting. Plus archery.  Just a good fun button mashing fun time.
73)Blaster Master-
Fucking brilliant.  Graphically simple but beautiful, its a game where you are a young kid on a quest to find your pet robo frog, that is an original quest line there.  This game combined on foot shooty bang platforming with in vehicle sections and it just works.  I actually wish I had put this game higher, cause my praise for it is so great but in reality despite this praise, I cant place it any higher than this because for its greatness, it has some really slow and unneeded backtracking that makes it tedious at times.
74)Mega Man 6-
First Blue Bomber game to appear on the list(despite Mega Man being the reason Krion Conquest makes the list, its not a Mega Man game actually).  It was well in to the early 2000s before I played this late NES release.  This is another brilliant game from Capcom, who during this era was a hit machine.  My biggest issue with this game is that its just more.  Nothing new or groundbreakingly different from 4 or 5, all still really good but third time they released this game basically, but so good it still makes the list.(And yes all 6 NES Mega Man games made the list the question is "Who side is he on" oh wait no i mean "What order are they in?")
75)Snoopy's Silly Sports-
The Great Pumpkin is the best Halloween movie ever, Charlie Brown holiday movie are just part of growing up, this game and my love of it are mainly down to that cause its not a great game.  Its fun enough for a short burst but it wont hold your attention much unless you play it with friends.
76)Krion Conquest-
This game very much feels like an unpolished mod of Mega Man 2(which will appear way way higher up this list).  This game looks better than the average NES game, has decent if uninspired sound, Mega Man like level design and similar game play.  A very underrated game in my eyes.
77)Ninja Gaiden III-
 Ever heard the expression Nintendo hard?  Its about the Ninja Gaiden games.  These games are as difficult as can be and the quality of the series kinda plateaued before this one, but its by no means a bad game.  Beautiful sprites, great music and challenging game play lead to an overall great package.  It feels different from first two as it leans into supernatural/sci-fi more than first two, but is still a continuation.
78)RC Pro-Am-
Best 8 bit racing game ever?  Not for my money but a damn fine game.Its basically a micro machine racer.  RC cars whipping around tracks with speed boosts and power ups.  I think you can see inspiration for Mario Kart and lots of other kart or arcade style racing games.  This is one of those games that lots of people remember and enjoyed but I dont think I personally know anyone that would put it among their top 10, strange.  
The "Peter Gunn" theme is one of the greatest theme songs ever, but to me it will always be the "Spyhunter" theme.  We played the shit out of this when we rented it as kids.  Its simple drive and shoot game with some upgrades and decent graphics.  The game play is pretty good but the aesthetics made it a super memorable and fun experience.


Here's the thing with this one, I have very clear memories of playing this game when I was younger, but for the life of me I dont remember where I would of played it more than a rental, and doesn't seem like one I would of re rented more than once as a kid.  So at some random time in my past that I cant place I played this game enough to really enjoy it.  I think the NES version is way better than the arcade game(not graphically obviously, but as an overall experience.) 

If you want to see #'s 91-101(Part 1 of this countdown) go ahead and click here: Countdown Part 1

For #'s 81-90 (Part 2 of this countdown): Countdown Part 2











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