Monday, July 19, 2021

TMTMM Countdown: 101 Favorite NES Games Part 2 (#'s 81-90)

 (Note: This is the second part of a countdown of my 101 Favorite NES games.  I'm not saying these are the 101 best NES games or even 101 good NES games, just that they are the 101 games that I like the most.  I don't expect you to have the same list, cause that would be strange if we literally liked 101 games exactly the same way.)

 81)GI Joe Real American Hero- 

Knowing is half the battle.  I was the biggest Joe fan as a kid, I had the USSFlag, the Terrordrome, all the vehicles and so many figures.  It would be no exaggeration to say without GIJoe young Nathan wouldn't have had much of anything to do before the age of 12. The game is fun but its place this high is more because Yo Joe!


(Completely unrelated but if you have any loose Joes you want to get rid of cheap message me with what you got and what you want for it)

82)Batman Return of the Joker- 

Not half as good as the original, but still great.  I think they kinda rushed this one a bit but the building blocks from the first were so strong they were still able to pump out a fun playable game.


 83)Super C-

So I whiffed on this one back in the day.  For whatever reason my young mind had it in his head that this was a port of Contra III on lesser hardware.  It is not, it is its own beast entirely, a sequel/side story to Contra, it feels just different enough to feel new but familiar enough to trigger the nostalgia button.

84)Castlevania II-

Ok so this game isn't the shame on the series some make it out to be, but it doesn't hold a candle to the other NES games in the series.  The argument could be made that this is one of if not the worst game in the series but honestly it is still a damn good game.  But yes, "I am Error."

85)Journey to Silius-

I never played this game as a kid.  I was  in my early 20s when I first played it on an emulator.  I actually didn't care all that much for it then even.  But then I read how it was originally a Terminator game, so instead of being a cheap knockoff stealing a bunch of ideas, it was actually going to be a fun pretty accurate adaptation that had potential.  At the end of the day this as a what could of been stands out in my mind.

86)Darkwing Duck-

Not the best Disney/Capcom pairing but a damn fine outing.Its Darkwing Duck, alright?  Music was a step below some other Disney games but the sprites were on point as usual and some decent level design and controls along with the likable as always Darkwing.

87)Mario Bros- 

The game that introduced Luigi or "Good Mario".  For that alone it would make the top 101, but add in the fun competitive game play and its pretty damn good arcade conversion.  Nice of Luigi to let his "little" brother Antonio to change his name to Mario and act like the star. Luigi is a good guy.

88)Wacky Races-

Dastardly and Muttley.  Again I know I have used this set up before, but what more do you want in an NES game?  Well would of been great if it actually was a racing game using the Wacky RACES characters instead of this odd but fun platformer.  I never did get my Perils of Penelope Pitstop game.

89)Adventure Island 2-

While again the theme of my liking the original better than the superior sequel rears its head.  This was the first in the series that wasnt just a port.  (The original was a port of a Wonder Boy Game), everything enjoyable about the first game is here again most of the major issues were addressed, but not perfected.  The only reason this one is so low is that I owned the original so played it way more often and I liked the 3rd a bit better.

90)Arch Rivals-

How many games of this did we play back in the early 90s?  Way too many.  A forerunner to NBA Jam in feel and concept, not as playable or enjoyable but still a good party game.


If you want to see #'s 91-101(Part 1 of this countdown) go ahead and click here: Countdown Part 1










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